Finger Lakes Koryu Kai - Our parent dojo.
Minneapolis Jo - A sibling dojo. - A great repository for essays and other information on koryu.
Two specific articles on the history of Shinto Muso Ryu:
The Evolution of Classical Jojutsu, by Dave Lowry
Muso Gonnosuke and the Shinto Muso-ryu Jo, by Wayne Muromoto
It’s worth noting that meaningful study in koryu is only possible through direct in-person practice with a legitimately qualified individual. Trying to learn the technical content from a book or video is a fool's errand. That said, these books provide a good introduction to the nature of koryu.
Koryu Bujutsu, Sword & Spirit, Keiko Shokon - edited by Diane Skoss. These are collections of a variety of essays by a variety of writers.
Old School - by Ellis Amdur. A collection of essays on koryu by a senior koryu practitioner.
In the Dojo - by Dave Lowry. An overview of the cultural aspects of studying Japanese martial arts by a senior koryu practitioner.